Minutes 13th March, 2020

Minutes of the 5th Annual General Meeting of Seaford Museum and Heritage Society held at the Little Theatre on Friday, 13th March, 2020, at 7.00 pm

There were 65 members of the Society present

The meeting was chaired by the Honorary President, Laurie Holland.

  1. Apologies for Absence were received from Jenny Odam, Peter Woodman, Peter Fellows, Paul Waller, Hazel Henderson, Bob Allen, Sally White and Liz Hunter.
  2. Minutes of the 2019 AGM – The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 22nd March, 2019 were unanimously approved by the meeting. Proposed by Peter White and seconded by Reg Dove.
  3. Adoption of Annual Report for 2019 – The Annual Report for 2019 was adopted unopposed by the meeting. Proposed by Elizabeth Angell and seconded by Mick Barrett.
  4. Adoption of the Summary Financial Report for 2019 – It was proposed by Anne Davey and seconded by Gail Armstrong that the report be adopted, which was done unopposed. The meeting also approved the appointment of Caralynne Ledingham as the Independent Examiner for 2020.
  5. Election of Trustees – Judith Marr was re-elected as a Trustee for a further three years and Elizabeth Hunter, Nicholas Hing and Nicholas Dickenson were elected as Trustees for three years. Kay Turvey and Paul Bowler were not seeking re-election.
  6. Any Other Business – The other Trustees who were at the meeting were introduced to the members by retiring Chairman, Kay. Kay then presented the Society with a chairman’s gavel and thanked the members for the support over the years of her chairmanship. Kay was then presented with a bouquet and a framed painting of the Martello Tower. President Laurie then thanked Kay on behalf of the Society for all the years she has been involved with the Society, including twenty four as Chairman and wished her well for her new life in York.

The meeting closed at 7.30 pm and was followed by the unveiling of a new fiftieth anniversary banner for the Society and the cutting of a cake in the shape of the Tower. This was followed by a presentation by Kay on the fifty years of the Society’s existence.